
Sleep-Enhancing Foods to Get a Good Night’s Sleep


Hey food fans! Now, there’s absolutely no point in me telling you that “you are what you eat”. You’re a fan of this website so I’m going to presume you already know that. What you might be surprised to learn is that what we eat can have a huge impact on how well we sleep.

For instance, having a 10oz steak just before bed isn’t exactly going to do wonders for your slumber. All that protein requires your digestive system to do a whole lot of work. And a churning gut is not really what you want when you’re heading to bed. When your head hits that pillow you want your body to be as relaxed as it can possibly be. The gut has its own rhythms that compete with your circadian rhythms that’s why I recommend eating earlier in the night. 

And skipping the  late night steak is sensible for sure. If you do get a little bit peckish before bed (which is perfectly natural), try picking something from our fabulous ‘sleep promoter’ menu below instead...

The humble Kiwi

New Zealand is an amazing country. Not only does it have some of the world’s most spectacular scenery, the best rugby teams on the planet and exotic wildlife found nowhere else (the Kea anyone?), it’s also home to the humble kiwi fruit.

Small, green and covered in fuzz, the kiwi fruit is not only delicious, it’s also incredible for your sleep.

Enjoying one, or better yet, two, of the hairy green fellas an hour before bed is scientifically proven to improve your slumber. Well at least according to a team of researchers from Taiwan. And I’ve no reason to doubt them!

Exactly why the kiwi is so useful for sleep is still not clear but it’s thought to be due to the high levels of serotonin and antioxidants present in the superfruit. Serotonin being one of the neurotransmitters that controls your mood, stress levels and sleep cycles. Thanks New Zealand!

Tasty turmeric

A stable of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, adding a pinch of turmeric to your diet is proven to have a host of health benefits. It boosts your immune system, helps digestion and can play a role in reducing blood-sugar levels. Three things that can get in the way of a good night’s rest.

In the Indian subcontinent a very popular pre-bed nightcap is so-called ‘Golden Milk’, this is a cup of hot milk topped up with a healthy does of tumeric and then seasoned with pinch of ginger or cinnamon, or both. Mmmm...sounds delightful doesn’t it? And a lot  healthier than a cup of hot chocolate. Have you tried my Anti-inflammatory Toddy recipe? It makes a beautiful night cap. 

Wonderful walnuts

Traditional healers have been making use of walnuts since time immemorial. The nutty little guys have been used to treat anything from skin conditions in adults to colic in babies. Now it seems that walnuts can also be used to enhance your sleep too.

Why are walnuts so good for sleep? Well it’s because they contain melatonin boosting agents. Melatonin being the essential hormone that dictates how well your sleep cycle works. The more melatonin in your blood stream the drowsier you get and the easier it is to fall asleep.

In a nutshell, that’s why walnuts are so wonderful! But a word of warning before you go knocking back a fistful of the nobbly chaps, take care if you haven’t tried them before, walnuts can be highly allergenic. So before you have supersized serving for your supper, maybe make sure you’re not allergic first.

For more on the risks and rewards of late night snacking have a quick look at this handy guide to eating before bed.

Delightful Dairy

Now I know there are many dairy fans out there but also a lot of you who are not into dairy. There are good reasons for both positions. What I’m going to say is that for some people taking a dose of dairy before bed can do great things for their sleep. Obviously for others this definitely wouldn't be the case.

Why is dairy good for sleep? Well, because dairy products are rich in calcium and a sleep promoting amino acid known as tryptophan. Studies indicate a calcium deficient may make it harder to drop off at night. So having a cheerful lump of cheese or yummy yogurt before could be a good move. Don’t worry that whole thing about cheese give you nightmares is just a myth.

Now, I’m not giving you free reign to start polishing off bowls after bowl of ice-cream. Sugar is about as far from a sleep promoter as you can get. And if you still want to get the calcium kick but don’t want to go down the dairy direction, try some other calcium crazy foods instead, such as dark leafy greens, broccoli or sardines for dinner.

Well, there you have it – four wonderful sleep enhancing foods that can play a very real role in improving how well you sleep tonight. Also there is another little thing you can do that will guarantee a solid night’s sleep. Try mixing some Cibdol CBD oil into your food or a have few drops before bed. 

Happy eating and sweet dreams!

Mexican Taco Beef Stew with Guacamole

Vegan and vegetarian friends – this post comes with a warning!

Even if you’re seriously dedicated to your plant-loving life, I suggest you look away. This recipe could convert even the hippiest of vegans. It’s absolutely, positively delicious.

Now that we’ve got that in order, It’s time to talk business. If you’re looking for a seriously good fiesta that won’t make you feel like you’re in need of a siesta, do I have the perfect recipe stewing for you.

I don’t know what it is about Mexican food, but I absolutely adore it. Maybe it’s the fact that they love their chilli's hot or that they share my deep love for avocados. Whatever it is, Mexican food and I go together like avocado and… well… everything.

My Taco Beef Stew with Guacamole from Supercharge your Gut is life-changing. If you’re a fan of Mexican food, like myself, but always feel sluggish after eating it, this stew is for you. You’ve guac to try it!

If you don't believe me, I cooked it this morning on Channel 10's Studio 10 and everybody loved it! Watch how to make it here.

Before you give me strange looks, telling me that Mexican food can’t possibly be good for you, keep reading! Cooking your own home-made Mexican stew is a great way to supercharge your gut as the stewing process enables the cell wall of our foods to be broken down, releasing maximum nutrition in an easy-to-digest  and oh-so-delicious form. 

If you’re ready to fulfil your Mexican dreams, while still feeling like you’re ready to take over the world, just like that dancing lady in the red dress emoji, you’ve got to keep your gut in mind!  

Whilst the exotic flavours of Mexico are delicious, typical Mexican food filled with creams, refined carbohydrates and those chemically-filled packet mixes and sauces (seriously… would you like some meat with that oil?!) which can harm the gut, leaving us tired, lethargic, bloated and running to the bathroom. Instead, this recipe will take you on a journey of authentic Mexican food, loaded with delicious flavours and plenty of vitamins and minerals like vitamin B3, B6 and B12, as well as zinc, selenium and iron. Let’s dive a little deeper in, shall we?

We wouldn’t have a Taco Beef Stew without beef. Beef is an excellent source of muscle-nourishing protein. It’s extremely high in Vitamin B5 which helps produce energy in the body by breaking down the carbohydrates in our body into fuel for us to use, known as glucose. Vitamin B5, part of the energy-providing B-vitamins, also assist our bodies in utilising fat and protein properly. Beef is full of protein which we need to build and maintain lean muscle mass. After all, you can’t hit that Sombrero-shaped piñata without your biceps! Eating an adequate amount of protein can help discourage food cravings too.

Another ingredient which totally supercharges this recipe is garlic. Did you know that garlic was originally thought of as medicinal, not as a food source? While some people absolutely love garlic and put it with everything (hellooooo garlic bread), some people can be a bit hesitant because of the smell. If you’re a hater, be ready to be converted. Garlic is anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-fungal, helping fight infection and disease. Yay for the garlic fan-club… just no kissing or use parsley for fresh breath!

Another supercharged ingredient in this recipe is coconut oil! Similar to garlic, coconut oil is anti-fungal and anti-microbial, helping boost our immune system and show our guts some much-needed TLC.

No Mexican recipe is complete without guacamole. Seriously, it’s about time we give thanks to the holy avocado. Avocado is surprisingly high in prebiotic-rich fibre, helping move things along in the gut and acting as a natural detoxifier. Avo's are also known to help reduce our likelihood of developing heart disease and obesity!

This recipe is seriously Mexican food: The Supercharged edition! If you’re ready to put a supercharged spin on your next fiesta, you’ve got to try it out for yourself. I love to serve it with zucchini noodles or cauliflower rice to add some bulk without the refined carbohydrates, but you do you!

Live that Mexican fantasy.

Taco Beef Stew with Guacomole

Serves 4


  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • 2 red onions
  • 1 red capsicum
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1/2 tsp ground chili
  • 700 gms stewing beef (chuck/rump /shin)
  • 1 tbs tomato paste
  • 1 x 400gm tin chopped tomatoes
  • 2 cups beef or chicken stock


  • 2 avocados ripe
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1 garlic clove crushed
  • 2 tomatoes diced
  • 1 tbs lime juice


  • Preheat the oven to 160°C (315°F).
    Melt the coconut oil in a large flameproof casserole dish over medium–high
  • Sauté the onion, capsicum and garlic for 3–4 minutes, or until softened. Stir in the spices and beef and cook, stirring, for 5–7 minutes, or until the beef is browned on the outside and thoroughly coated in the spices.
  • Stir in the tomato paste, tomatoes and stock.
  • Put the lid on, transfer to the oven and cook for 1 1/2 hours, or until the beef
    is tender and pulls apart easily with a fork. The time will vary depending on the cut of meat you’re using.
  • To make the guacamole, scoop the flesh from the avocados into a large bowl. Sprinkle with the cumin, add the remaining ingredients and roughly mash together using a fork. Season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  • Serve the stew topped with the guacamole and your choice of accompaniment.

Chicken and Vegetable Anti-Inflammatory Soup

After an amazing trip to the UK I've hit the ground running and fallen straight into the arms of my trusted soup pot. Today I'm back into the kitchen and whipping up one of my favourite soups.  There’s something about chicken soup that feels like coming home. Chicken soup has a way of bringing comfort and warmth to even the coolest of autumn nights. I’m convinced that chicken soup has the power to heal anything - from the worst colds and flus to the winter blues and even jet lag. 

Not only is soup extremely nourishing, it's also the perfect way to sneak in a few extra veggies, increase your fibre and water intake! Soups are an extremely popular choice for cooler nights but they’re equally as delicious, and sometimes even better, the next day for lunch. This Chicken and Vegetable Anti-Inflammatory Soup is super satisfying and is extra special because it's home-made. Seriously. There’s nothing better. It can cure anything; it’s your new autumn staple. Please give it a try.

One supercharged feature of this soup, which deserves a lot more credit than I am giving it, is my favourite ingredient garlic. There’s a lot more to garlic than being a great flavour booster and toast companion. Garlic is a strong detoxifier which reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system. The compound within garlic known as Allicin is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, fighting off infections as the seasons change! It fights off colds, flus and first kisses (you’re welcome, parents)! I love garlic so much. In fact, I’d say it’s an essential ingredient in a Supercharged Kitchen.

Zucchini may be low in calories but it's extremely high in nutrients. This antioxidant-rich veg is rich in Vitamin C, lowering inflammation and oxidative stress. It's also high in the mineral potassium, which improves heart health and may naturally lower blood pressure. I've added it to the soup to up the green quota. 

Chicken soup is truly nourishing for your insides, particularly your digestive system. It's what I like to call Soul Food. Even Oscar likes it! He has impeccable table manners by the way.

Another green veg featured in this supercharged soup is broccoli. Broccoli is high in antioxidants and is actually a natural liver detoxifier! Even if you're not much of a drinker, your liver health can become compromised by the chemicals you ingest and medicines you take. Consuming broccoli is a great way to help your body naturally detoxify and get your liver working at it's prime!  Broccoli is also high in fibre, soothing the gut lining and preventing bacterial overgrowth. 

Another year-long essential that features in this soup is my Golden Gut Blend. It provides a dose of gut-loving golden spice that is rich in minerals, great for anti-bloating and creating an alkaline environment within the body. It’s also high in absorbable iron, boosting energy and brain function, so you can kick those cold weather blues for good! Golden Gut Blend is also a metabolism booster and can soothe the gut after eating too. 

You can make this soup in batches and keep it in the freezer for those nights when you can't think of anything worse than yawning while standing over the stove-top waiting for the water to start bubbling... been there, done that, bought the wooly jumper. This soup will stay good for about three months in the freezer and a week in the fridge. If you’re looking for a meat-free soup, swap out the chicken stock for vegetable stock – it really is that simple. Vegetarians I've got your back!

Supercharge your health tonight with my scrumptious Chicken and Vegetable Anti-inflammatory Soup.

Chicken and Vegetable Anti-Inflammatory Soup

Serves 2-3


  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 4 large garlic cloves sliced 
  • 2 large carrots cubed
  • 4 zucchini cubed
  • 1 head broccoli chopped small 
  • 500 mls chicken stock
  • 1 lemon squeezed
  • 3 tbs wheat free tamari
  • 1 TBS golden gut blend 
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Warm 1 tbs oil in heavy based saucepan on medium heat 
  2. Pan fry garlic slices then remove and set aside
  3. Add 1 tbs oil and all veg and cook on medium until softened and browned 
  4. Add remaining ingredients and bring to the boil stirring then turn down heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes
  5. Remove from heat and let cool slightly so that you can blend all ingredients in a processor or blender
  6. Season to taste

Ten Work-Day Survival Tips + My Beef Pho Broth

Let’s talk about stress, baby. Let's talk about you and me...

While I know stress isn’t one of the sexiest topics out there, in our modern-day world, it’s become a major issue because we've all become super busy! While we praise busy-ness and love to talk about how busy we are (seriously, it's like a competition these days!), the stress that comes with it isn't always a good thing. When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I always try to remember to listen to my own gut instinct; by that I mean to take things slower when I'm feeling like everything is becoming a little too much and I try to reduce stress as much as possible by slowing down. 

Stress plays a huge role in gut health, altering the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota and likewise, an unhealthy diversity of bacteria can impact emotional behaviour and exacerbate our stress response. While we all try to find balance by going to work, spending time with family, seeing friends, exercising, cooking healthy meals, and the list goes on, this kind of busy lifestyle can lead us down stress street! 

If an adult hasn’t inherited healthy lifestyle and eating habits from their family or community when young, it becomes increasingly harder to develop and implement them in later stages of life. We all know it’s a lot easier and more convenient to choose processed, take-away food over home-made food but really, in the long run it's not always the best choice for long term health. The thing with processed and instant foods are that they can be difficult to digest, really slow down our digestive systems and take a huge toll on the health of our gut micro biome.

If you’re looking to make ‘adulting’ at work a little more easeful, I'm sharing a few tips and tricks from my book Supercharge Your Gut to get you on the right track, because you know what - adulting is stressful enough. 

I recommend waking up early with the sun, drinking a large glass of warm filtered water with the juice of half a lemon or apple cider vinegar to kick-start that digestive system and liver into full gear. I love getting up and moving first thing in the morning. Not only does getting out into nature help start the day off on the right foot, it also resets the circadian rhythms which stimulates the pituitary gland, releasing feel-good hormones. Now you have no excuse to not be a morning person!

Once you’re home from your morning exercise, try dry body brushing with a long handled brush. Then shower and switch between bursts of hot and cold water to get the lymphatic system pumping. While you’re in the shower, try oil-pulling. Place 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil or sesame oil in your mouth upon rising, before you’ve eaten or drunk anything. Swish the oil around your mouth for 10 minutes, then spit it out. Never swallow the oil, which will be full of bacteria.

Brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly afterwards, to remove any excess oil, or invest in a tongue scraper. Including this simple ritual in your day will offer benefits such as whiter teeth, clearer skin, healthier gums, fresher breath, clearer sinuses, an improved lymphatic system, better sleep and increased energy, and for pre-menopausal women better regulated menstrual cycles. 

When you’re ready and dressed, make yourself some Love Your Gut Powder in a glass with water. If you're low on time in the morning, I recommend preparing breakfast the night before. Recently, I've been loving my Golden Gut Nice Cream, Mocha and Banana Smoothie Bowl, Golden Gut Granola Clusters or Smashed Avo on Golden Gut Loaf for breakfast. They're all seriously delicious and can be prepared before-hand for ultimate convenience. 

Throughout the day, be sure to hydrate! Sip on ginger, lemongrass, fennel and fresh mint teas, and flask it. You can also stash pre-made tea mixes in your desk drawer at work to enjoy throughout the day.

And now, for lunch! If you can, use your lunch time as a break in your day. Try to enjoy lunch away from your desk, instead of doing that half-eating, half-typing or writing thing – not good! Go for a walk during your break, do some yoga poses or stretches and remember to breath!

If you've got a meeting after lunch, try warrior pose for strength and firm foundations.  It takes just a few minutes and you'll be surprised how different you feel afterwards. Find an empty meeting room or do it in the bathroom! Avoiding being sedentary can reduce stress and increase focus and productivity.

If you’re keen for an absolutely delicious lunch; one that’ll take your whole office to the streets of North Vietnam with its fragrant smell, you have to try out my Beef Pho Broth. Pho originated in the early 20th century and was sold at dawn and dusk by roaming street vendors, shouldering mobile kitchens. Don’t be put off by the list of ingredients, as this wonderfully fragrant broth is very simple to prepare. My advice is to make the broth beforehand on a weekend and freeze it.  That way you'll have it on hand when you need it. It also works beautifully in a slow cooker. Pho is as comforting as it is delicious – it’s like a mid-day hug for your insides.

If you’re prone to snacking, you may want to pack some snacks so you’re well prepared and not munching down on the packet of stale crisps that has been sitting at the bottom of your desk drawer for three weeks too long. Try vegetable sticks with hummus, tuna dip and/or an avocado. If you're feeling extra zesty, why not pop half a lemon in your bag for a citrus squeeze? 

Once you've finished work and got home, it's usually the time to start thinking about dinner. I know how hard it can be to motivate yourself to cook something after a long day of work, but it's so worth it! For me, I like to use cooking as a time to de-stress and reconnect. After a long day, I recommend choosing a meal with protein such as my Asian Kelp Noodle Salad,  Supercharged Savoury Mince or Vegan Caesar Salad!  They're quick and easy to prepare and so Yum.

Make sure you’ve had enough to eat by indulging in a gut-soothing dessert. Try some Turmeric Fudge (which can be pre-made on the weekend and frozen) and, if you’re still hungry, finish the night with a Maca and Tahini Latte.

For ultimate stress-busting benefits, be sure to try out my beautiful broth below! I promise you won't be disappointed. To make it easy for you, don't forget to make the broth on the weekend then it's so easy to heat up for mid-week dinners and lunches, just by adding the extra ingredients.

Beef Pho Broth

Serves 4-5


  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) beef bones — shin, knuckles, marrow and gelatinous cuts are good
  • 6 star anise
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 3 cardamom pods
  • 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
  • 2 teaspoons fennel seeds
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 2 litres (68 fl oz/8 cups) filtered water
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 brown onion, thinly sliced
  • 7.5 cm (3 inch) knob of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon wheat-free tamari
  • 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) beef sirloin, thinly sliced
  • 3 zucchini (courgettes), spiralised
  • 1 handful of bean sprouts
  • 1 large handful of mixed fresh basil, mint and coriander (cilantro)
  • 2 limes, cut into wedges or cheeks


To make the broth...

  • Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F). Melt the coconut oil in a flameproof casserole dish over medium heat. Add the bones and stir to coat.
  • Put the lid on, transfer the dish to the oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until the bones are browned. Place the casserole dish back on the stovetop.
  • In a dry frying pan, toast the spices over medium heat for 2 minutes, or until fragrant. Add them to the casserole dish with the filtered water and vinegar.
  • Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to the lowest setting, then simmer for 1 and 1/2 hours, adding a little more filtered water from time to time if necessary.
  • Using tongs, carefully remove and discard the bones. Allow the broth to cool, refrigerate or freeze, then scrape off any congealed fat on top (keep it for cooking with).

To make the soup

  • Add a bit of the stock fat to a frying pan and lightly sauté the onion and ginger. Transfer the mixture to the casserole dish.
  • Bring back to the boil, stir in the tamari and season to taste.
  • To serve, arrange the beef and zucchini in bowls. Pour in the boiling broth and top with the bean sprouts and herbs. (The boiling broth will book the meat. If you prefer the beef to be cooked longer then add it to the casserole dish when bringing to the boil). Serve with lime wedges.

Australian Digestive Excellence

If you’re looking for a product that’ll provide instant relief for your gut issues, you’ve come to the right place! The Australian Digestive Excellence is a product that is well… excellent.
It contains everything you need to strengthen and develop a healthy digestive system, including a unique blend of some of my favourite high-quality special herbs like aloe vera, liquorice root extract, marshmallow root extract and more. The formula was developed, researched and perfected for over 17 years in Australia and is now available in the USA! 
The Australian Digestive Excellence has proven to promote immune and digestive health and defend against the common culprits of constipation, gas, diarrhoea and bloating. For all my vegetarian, gluten-free,alcohol-free and GMO-free friends, this product is perfect for you guys too! It's an extremely natural product dedicated to anyone who's interested in living a healthier, happier and more vibrant life. 
Once you’ve cleaned your gut with our lovely Love Your Gut powder, The Australian Digestive Excellence can enable you to help alleviate your symptoms. It’s based on both Ancient healing methods and modern-day research. Trust me, it makes an impact. Anyone who’s ever experienced diarrhoea, bloating, gas, constipation, indigestion and more, will agree with me when I say one of the worst parts of these issues is not knowing when they'll end. This is where the Australian Digestive Excellence thrives as a product. It provides instant relief. So, if you’ve ever had that post-plane stomach feeling (you know exactly what I’m talking about!), this is your new favourite travel companion.
If you want to take control of your life and your gut health, you’re going to need to try the Australian Digestive Excellence out for yourself.
In fact, Dana said: “For the past 25 years I have been bound to my house and my bathroom. I have suffered with chronic Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis. My life has been a series of health obstacles that could only be treated by using immunosuppressive drugs. Most of that time I have relied on steroids to live. Thanks to high doses of those drugs I developed  stage II breast cancer at the age of 32. I have survived! My magic bullet has arrived. It's all natural! I drank! Within five minutes I started to noticed signs of improvement. I am not kidding!  The Juice had an instant effect on my gut. All I could think was that's it's too good to be true.”
This amazing product is only available in USA for the time being, but If you are in Australia there is limited stock to one per individual in Australia right now and this can be arranged via emailing summit@healthygutexperts.com
For future orders you can contact Australian Excellence directly at australianexcellence.com to get on the growing waiting list for orders outside the USA.  Use our code SUPERGUT to let them know you found their beautiful product through me.
If you’re ready to take charge of your gut health today, be sure to check out The Australian Digestive Excellence today! 

Cherry Ripe Easter Eggs

Easter is hoppening soon and you know what that means – chocolate, sleeping in, long weekend celebrations, chocolate, the Easter Bunny, chocolate, oh and did I mention chocolate?

If you’re looking for a new delicious Easter egg to bring to your table or basket, why not try out my Cherry Ripe Easter Eggs?

I know what you're probably thinking - Why Cherry Ripe?

I think it’s safe to say, Cherry Ripe's are sometimes one of the most unpopular chocolates of the bunch - they're the one that are usually left at the bottom of the packet. There’s just something about the combination of dark chocolate and cherry glace that’s usually off-putting, especially to children! I must admit, out of all the chocolates out there, the one I would never choose was the Cherry Ripe. I just never jelled with it 😉

However, seeing that I’m a big believer in giving things a fair go, I decided to give them a second chance.

And you know what? I’m happy I did!

These chocolatey, cherry and coconuty raw, refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan-friendly Cherry Ripe Easter Eggs are perfect bite-sized snacking, just in time for Easter! If you were never a cherry ripe fan, but like me, love cherries, coconut and chocolate, you’re in for a real treat.

If you’re someone who usually feels a little bit lethargic, tired or bloated after holiday period, these are the Easter eggs for you! While I love celebrating holidays with good food, it’s very easy to overindulge over the holiday season and feel a little queasy afterwards. Be sure to fill up on good-quality, wholesome food, rather than leaving too much room for dessert! If you fill up on mains, you’re less likely to overindulge when dessert’s ready. However, if you’re looking for a dessert perfect for Easter, these Cherry Ripe Easter Eggs are exactly what you need.

By consuming real, home-made Easter Eggs you can avoid the processed one’s on the shelf, usually packed full of additives, vegetable oils and sugar. Home-made goodies such as these Easter eggs always taste better because you can truly taste the love that is rolled into them! 

The combination of cherries and chocolate makes this recipe extremely high in calcium and Vitamin C. Cherries are bursting with antioxidants and can help reduce bodily inflammation. These Cherry Ripe Easter Eggs also have a little Love Your Gut Powder to help soothe your tummy after some necessary Easter feasting!

The best part about them? No cooking is required! Yes, that’s right – it’s raw! If that’s not an Easter miracle, I don’t know what is. Oh, and they contain cherries – I mean, who wouldn’t be happy with their kids hunting for fruit?

So, go on... I know you want to.

Happy Easter everyone!

Cherry Ripe Easter Eggs

Makes: 12–15 Easter eggs


Chocolate Coating


  1. In the food processor, pulse coconut, coconut oil, coconut cream, powder and rice malt syrup if using until combined. Be careful not to over mix. Add in the frozen cherries and pulse until combined.
  1. Using your hands, scoop up about 2 tablespoons worth of mixture, shape into an Easter egg shape and place on a tray. Repeat until you use up all of the mixture. Place in the freezer to set for 2 hours.
  1. After about 1 ½ hours, prepare the chocolate coating by melting ingredients together in a small pot over a low heat. Transfer to a bowl, place in the fridge for 15 minutes to let it thicken slightly.
  1. To cover in chocolate coating, first prepare a rack over a tray to catch any dripping chocolate. Carefully dip the eggs in the chocolate coating mixture and place on the rack.

Note: You want to work quickly here to prevent the eggs from melting. This is why it’s important your chocolate mixture isn’t too hot but is still melted and has a liquid consistency. You may wish to work in batches. Place back into the freezer as soon as possible to set the chocolate.

  1. Store in the fridge in an airtight container.

Gut Health 101

Design by Catfish Creative

The gut is one of the most important components of the body. We interact with it daily and are constantly receiving feedback from it and yet, it’s something that as a society, we tend to keep on the down-lo. We don’t like to talk about our digestive systems in public because it can feel a little too personal, but it’s something so intricately connected to every single thing we do.

Feel nervous about something? It’s more than likely you’ll have butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you? You’re probably feeling bloated or, maybe you’re running to the bathroom.

When we have these issues, we usually take on great measures like eating more vegetables, piling on the sauerkraut, taking fantastic gut-boosting powders such as my Love Your Gut Powder, and so on, but it can be hard to tell if what we’re doing is working and what our best course of action actually is.

So, I’ve decided it’s finally time to reveal the truth. Get those pens out, brains open and ears listening because it’s time to go back to school – gut school!  Get ready for Gut Health 101, with your teacher, Lee Holmes. Are you ready?

Let’s imagine our gut as a beautiful Amazonian rainforest. It’s a naturally complex and dense ecosystem that, when thriving, is luscious and ever-expanding. Every single unique part in the forest plays a role in creating one of the most beautiful environments on the planet. To keep it that way, we need to balance what we feed it to keep it thriving. However, when we diminish its diversity, cause pollution or create damaging conditions, the naturally flourishing system can become harmed and limit its ability to keep us protected and thriving. We need to look after this ecosystem to prevent issues. But, where do we begin?

Well, we need to first figure out where we went wrong. This is where technology comes in.

Luckily for us, the gut is constantly under the microscope, with new scientific research and growing technological findings every day. This has hugely improved our understanding of the microbiome of our gut. There are a multitude of tests available now which can help give us a greater understanding of what’s going on in our digestive systems. These tests can help us understand the reason behind some of the gastrointestinal issues we may be experiencing; however, not everyone needs to get these tests done. If you’re experiencing digestive problems, I recommend speaking to your GP or health practitioner and figure out together whether a test is right for you.

First up, we’ve got the comprehensive stool analysis. This test helps give us a greater understanding of the garden of our microbiome. The stool analysis takes a look at the colonies of bacteria within the gut, as this has a huge impact on our digestion, hormones, immune system and brain. This test can also identify if there’s a build-up of negative bacteria in the gut. If this is the case, Love Your Gut Powder and Golden Gut blend can come in handy as they can help sweep out impurities, heavy metals, parasites and nasty gut bugs without interfering with or wiping out the beneficial bacteria we need for our guts to thrive.

Second on our list of tests is none other than the SIBO breath test. SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) negatively affects the structure of the small intestine which can affect the way in which nutrients are absorbed. This can also be connected to 'leaky gut', where the intestinal walls become permeable to proteins which make their way into the bloodstream, causing abnormal immune responses, allergies, intolerances and autoimmune issues. The SIBO breath test is simple and can be ordered online or done through your GP or health practitioner. Diets can also play a major role in helping eradicate SIBO and prevent relapse. You might like to read my 21 Day SIBO guide plus recipes and meal plan eBook.

Some people don’t tolerate histamines well, which can increase their sensitivity to particular foods high in histamine. The histamine tolerance test can help detect whether there’s a histamine intolerance present.

Intestinal permeability screening is a blood lab test that measures antibodies against bacterial toxins and other proteins in the gut. It can enhance our understanding of the permeability of the gut lining and can help indicate whether someone has ‘leaky gut’ syndrome. You can read more about leaky gut here and at omnibioticlife.com.

The last test we’ll talk about is the cross-reactive food reactivity; a blood-test for people who’ve worked on their diet but still experience the same symptoms. This can happen when non-gluten containing foods interact with, or are in the same vicinity as, gluten-containing foods. Our bodies react as if the gluten has triggered a response. This test helps us figure out how severe the intolerance is.

Fish and fennel Broth

Now that we’ve been tested, we have to figure out how to clean up our ecosystem! Some foods that I recommend when trying to heal and seal in order to supercharge the gut and keep the garden growing are bone and veg broths, probiotic-rich food if your histamine levels are ok and slowly-cooked vegetables and stews. I also suggest avoiding foods that inflame the gut. These include processed foods and packaged foods with chemicals and preservatives that our bodies don’t even recognise! Gums and thickeners are two common culprits of digestive disorders and should be avoided. Try limiting your intake of raw foods too as these can cause bloating and reduce your overall intake of gluten, alcohol, sugar, dairy and caffeine.

If you really want to take your gut health to the next level, my Supercharge Your Gut print book and Supercharge Your Gut online program work by nurturing the digestive system two days a week, helping to harness a balanced environment within the gut.

Supercharging Your Gut is a beautiful way to practice self-care; not only does it help calm the nervous system, boost energy, improve moods and reduce stress, it's also the perfect plan for optimising gut health. It'll give your gut a boost and beautify your inner-ecosystem without taking over your life. Your body will be propelled to convert energy more efficiently and take a load off your digestive system. With so many delicious recipes to try, mindful practices and lifestyle tips, you’ll be able to enjoy supercharging your gut and gardening that inner-forest of yours and experience the positive outcomes in no time!

One beautiful and fun way to show the gut some love is to stimulate the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which can be compromised in gastrointestinal issues. While eating clean and doing mindful, stress-busting practices can help out our vagus nerve, it’s been found that gargling and singing can improve vagal functions. So, if you need me, you'll find me singing The Greatest Showman soundtrack in my car… it’s to boost my gut health, okay?

If you want to find out more tips on supercharging your gut to help you thrive, not just survive, and flourish that beautiful inner-ecosystem of yours, and get over 100 amazing recipes be sure to check out my new book Supercharge Your Gut!

Golden Gut Nice Cream + VIDEO


I scream, you scream we all scream for Golden Nice Cream! Get ready for my golden take on the creamiest of desserts. 

I really like ice-cream… and by that I mean, I loooove ice-cream.

There’s just something so comforting about a creamy scoop of your favourite soft serve. Kids love it, adults love it, grandparents love it, everyone loves ice-cream!

However, our old, plain vanilla ice-cream is getting a little boring. So, I believe it’s time to step it up a notch, or as we like to call it around here, it’s time to SUPERCHARGE it... Bring in the Golden Nice Cream!

I know what you’re wondering, why the nice cream?

Well, this recipe is made extra nice because of the golden ingredients. They’re all completely natural, delicious and good for you! It's from my latest book Supercharge Your Gut.

Let’s start off with the star of the show, my Golden Gut Blend. A gorgeous blend that helps improve nutrient absorption and is high in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, helping us fight off infection and disease. I like to think of it like fairy dust… seriously, I suggest sprinkling it on absolutely everything.

Bananas are another key ingredient in our nice cream. Not only are they absolutely, positively delicious, they’re also high in potassium, helping to look after our heart health. Bananas are rich in fibre, speeding up our digestion and keeping our guts smiling. They’re also full of magnesium which assists in reducing our muscles from aching. So yes, this is my permission for you to eat ice-cream as your new pre or post-workout snack. You’re welcome.

One of banana’s best partners in crime, nut butter, had to have an inclusion here too. I don’t know about you, but I have a serious nut-butter addiction. It’s so real. I'm personally loving cashew butter but feel free to use any nut butter you like! If you have an issue with nuts, you could try tahini or any other type of seed butter. 

This Golden Nice Cream is rich in so many vitamins and minerals. It’ll help boost your energy, add a glow to your skin and keep your gut happy and healthy! Watch just how I make it in the demo and check out the recipe below.

Golden Nice Cream

Serves 1



  • Place the frozen banana in a high-speed blender. Add the golden gut blend, coconut milk and your choice of sweetener. Whiz until smooth.
  • Serve immediately, topped with fresh banana and an extra sprinkling of golden gut blend.

Crispy Salmon Cutlets with Hemped-up Pumpkin & Rocket Salad with Hemp & Lemon Dressing

It’s incredibly easy to get lost in the crazy world of social media and completely lose sight when it comes to healthy eating. While celebrities and supermodels promote insane diets, unhealthy skinny teas, sugar-laden ‘protein’ bars and more, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for us to navigate a reliable source of information and the best way to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

If you want my opinion, the best way to do that is to eat real food and love your gut.

Which brings me to my next point – protein.

While some people rave on and on about how you need "x" amount of protein to build muscles, become lean, pick up buildings, etc. it’s important to note that you don’t need to eat meat for every single meal to get enough protein. There are plenty of sources of plant-based protein that can be enjoyed by everyone, not just your hippie vegan friends.

So, without further ado, it’s time to pass the spotlight onto the product of the moment – hemp seeds.

Before I go on, I think it’s important to clarify a few things about our hemp-y friends. Hemp seeds aren’t the smelly stuff your neighbours have been smoking and it won’t impair your state of mind either. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that hemp isn’t the same. Hemp seeds are the fruit of the hemp plant, and only contains trace (<.5%) amounts of the psychoactive element THC so it won’t affect your state of mind.

The Thompson’s Hemp Range contains proteins full of amino acids, including the essential amino acids that our bodies are unable to produce. They’re also high in essential fatty acids, dietary fibre and boost energy. Plus, they’ve got a delicious nutty taste and super satisfying crunch.  I love that they’re a low allergy food and suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

If you’re loving the idea of hemp but unsure where to begin, as always, I’ve got a delicious recipe up my sleeve! I’ve created crispy salmon cutlets with hemped-up protein and a rocket salad with a hemp and lemon dressing. It’s super simple but sure to satisfy every single one of your cravings. I love the sweetness of the pumpkin, the crunch of the hemp seeds and the zing of the lemon & hemp oil dressing.

Pumpkin’s aren’t just good for Halloween! Pumpkins are packed full of fibre, antioxidants and minerals. They can also help boost our immunity and reduce inflammation. Undoubtedly, the best way to enjoy pumpkin is baked in the oven. I love when it comes out sweet, toasty and ultimately, delicious.

Of course, this dish wouldn’t be complete without some salmon. Salmon is a serious wonder-fish. It’s high in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins for energy and protein. It’s one of the most nutritious foods on the planet - it can even promote eye, skin and heart health!

I’ve combined these three wonderful ingredients, pumpkin, salmon and hemp, to create the ultimate dinner or lunch to impress. Make it for yourself, your family, your friends or even your special someone and they’ll be blown away with your cooking abilities and new-found knowledge on all things hemp!

Are you ready to get hemp-y?

You can find the new Thompson’s range at pharmacies and health food stores across Australia.

Crispy Salmon Cutlets with Hemped-up Pumpkin and rocket salad with a hemp and lemon dressing

Serves 2


For salad:

  • 1/4 pumpkin chopped into squares
  • 1 tbs olive oil 
  • 2 cups rocket leaves
  • 1 cucumber peeled and slices
  • 2 tbs Thompson's hemp seeds
  • 2 tbs pine nuts


  • Heat oven to 175 degrees Celsius
  • Lay pumpkin on a baking tray and cover with olive oil then bake for about 30 mins till crispy 
  • Five minutes before the pumpkin is roasted warm oil in heavy frying pan and add salmon, cooking until crispy then turning over to crisp up the other side
  • Once cooked set aside and arrange salad ingredients between two plates, make dressing and drizzle salad with dressing. 
  • Top salad with Thompson hemp seeds and pine nuts. 

For Dressing:


  • In a small bowl mix dressing ingredients with a fork until combined 
  • Pour over salad and enjoy

Thompson’s Hemp Foods Review

Ready for a riddle?

What’s got all three Omega fatty acids, comes in three different forms, often feels misunderstood and is sure to put a smile on your dial?

Hemp seeds, of course.

Hemp food holds a wonderful source of nutrients that can be used as a healthy snack, added to salads, smoothies, granolas and more.

Thompson’s have just released their line of Hemp Products and I’m so excited to share them with you.

The line includes hemp seeds, hemp wholefood powder (chocolate & unflavoured) and hemp seed oil (for all your salad dressing dreams).

Hemp seeds are a plant-based protein that contains amino acids, including the essential amino acids that our bodies are unable to produce naturally. That’s pretty good when it comes to plant-based protein! Hemp seeds are also rich in essential fatty acids. It’s also high in dietary fibre which means it’s great for supporting the digestive system, keeping it regular. 

For all my sniffle buddies out there, Thompson's Hemp Products are low allergy and suitable for vegans, meat-eater’s, Keto and Paleo enthusiasts, dairy-free and glutards alike.

Let’s start with the seeds. Thompson’s Hemp Seeds are the most nutritious part of the hemp plant. They naturally contain a whole load of essential fatty acids, protein and fibre, and can boost energy. You can sprinkle them on top of soups, salads, smoothies, curries and all your favourite dishes. The seeds are available in a 225g (RRP $15.45) and 450g (RRP $27.25) pack and serving size is 15g per day (1 heaped tablespoon). 

Throw out your tummy-troubling whey and soy protein powders and say hello to hemp-y goodness.  Thompson’s Hemp Wholefood Powder is rich in both plant-based protein and dietary fibre. It comes in two flavours – chocolate and natural so, you can pick whichever one suits your taste buds. If you’re anything like me though, you’ll choose chocolate. Chocolate always wins. Always. I love adding Thompson's Hemp Wholefood Powder  to my smoothies, breakfast bowls and baking (or raw-ing… you know, raw dessert making). The powder is available in a 450g standing pouch in chocolate (RRP $32.95) and unflavoured (RRP $29.95). Serving size is 30g a day. 

If you’re looking for a new salad dressing, you may want to add some Thompson’s Hemp Seed Oil drizzle to your life. It’s extremely rich in essential fatty acids (79% Omega 3 & 6) and has a delicious nutty flavour so it works well with everything. Thompson's Hemp Seed Oil can be drizzled onto your favourite salads, stir-fries, used to coat veggies after oven roasting and can even be added to your own home-made dips!  It comes in a 200mL bottle (RRP $18.15) and serving size is 10mL per day. 

Thompson’s Hemp Products are now available at pharmacies and health food stores! I’ve been waiting for the day that this nutrient-dense food would be available to the public and now it’s finally here. Oh, no, I’m not crying… something just flew into my eye. I promise.

If you're looking for more ways to add hemp to your life, be sure to check out their Instagram and Facebook pages too! 

Why I love my FMTV (Food Matters TV)

What do you get when you film a whole lot of health-loving, grooving and inspiring people and put these videos into one platform?

Food Matters Australia's FMTV, of course!

It’s basically the Netflix of the health world. Don't fight me on this.

I can honestly say that Food Matters Australia changed my life in more ways than you can imagine.

After being diagnosed with a non specific auto-immune disease and fibromyalgia a few years ago, I was accustomed to being in pain, feeling lethargic and depressed. I was prescribed to a cocktail of steroids, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. Suffice to say, I wasn't feeling too flash hot. I just knew there was more to this; something in me (hello gut instinct!) saying there was something else I could try to keep the inflammatory symptoms under control.  I was waiting for my sign from the universe... and just like that, there it was.


Valentine’s Day Mocha + Banana Smoothie Bowl

There are two types of people in this world; those who eagerly count down the days till the 14th of February and those who want to pop every heart-shaped balloon in site.

Don't get me wrong, I love Valentine's Day but sometimes... sometimes it can get a bit too much. We make reservations for the fanciest of restaurants, we prepare ourselves for the pure wonder of it all and then we land up getting a little disappointed when it's not the exact fairytale we've dreamed of...




Do we never learn?

Let's simplify Valentine's Day this year. We can all agree that Valentine's day is a day about love - whether it's with yourself, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, partner, friend, dog, neighbour, neighbour’s dog, it's time to spread the love!

And in true Supercharged Food fashion, the way we’re going to spread some luuuurve today is with food. What better way to start the day than with showing your love with some breakfast in bed?

If you or your love of choice think that starting the day feeling both happy and energised is a foreign myth unless you’ve had your morning cuppa joe, or, if you can’t make words or look anyone in the eye until you've had your first sip of creamy coffee in the a.m., this one is especially for you.

Let’s take that espresso shot, throw it into the blender and espresso some love with a mega morning smoothie!

My delicious Mocha and Banana Smoothie Bowl recipe is from my latest book Supercharge Your Gut, and it’s every bit as good as it sounds.

This delicious smoothie made with real coffee (which you can substitute for dandelion tea if you’re *gasp* not a coffee lover), raw cacao, chia seeds, hazelnuts and blissful bananas feels a little like monkey magic. This bowl will give you a natural hit of everyone’s favourite hormone, dopamine – the happy one (if you know what I mean ;-)!)  Plus, it tastes like chocolate. If anyone ever tells you that you can’t have chocolate for breakfast, they’re wrong and you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life!


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