
Lemony Herb Crackers Video


Lemony Herb Crackers

Tired of triangular biscuit bits wedged in your favourite dip? I want to introduce you to my itty bitty bickies… Their sturdiness stands up to the toughest of condiments and I’m so pleased with the result of these stoic, soldiers.

If you think you can’t have the perfect cracker in less than 15 mins, then think again. These simple and straight-forward biscuits are not at all difficult or fussy to make.

Living a life of optimum health doesn’t need to be a mission to the ends of the earth. Yes, you may need to abandon some of those ‘convenience’ food items in order to avoid preservatives, copious amounts of refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that destroy your health. But any convenient supermarket snack can be replicated at home with wholesome, living ingredients.

Take for example, traditional store bought crackers. Handy for parties, scrumptious with dips and a quick, convenient snack when you feel jelly legs coming on, the down side to the story is that most of these savoury supermarket aisle crackers and biscuits boast amazing health promoting promises:  ‘100% wholegrain’ or ‘High in fibre’; but along with the copywriter’s hot air and words comes high amounts of sodium, emulsifiers, vegetable oils, MSG, artificial colours, flavours and other harmful additives. You’d probably gain more nutrition by eating a handful of dirt, I kid you not.


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Featuring over 90 delicious gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar-free
recipes to nourish and heal your body. Supercharged Food is a must-have for people suffering from autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s, Coeliac Disease, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida and other food allergies and intolerances.

Creamy Avocado and Tahini Spread


Creamy Avocado and Tahini Spread

I’m a foodie ninety percent of the time but occasionally after a big, busy day, the last thing I want to do is spend hours in the kitchen concocting complex meals. I want to tuck into the most deliciously satisfying meal possible, with the least amount of effort. That’s why this humble spread gets my tick-of-approval. It’s a delicious, nutrient packed spread that works like a breath of fresh air to my action packed days. In its simplicity, I’m continually astonished by how this trusty topping can transform a plain cracker or modest piece of toast into an extravagant culinary experience within seconds.

When looking for the perfect spread, you don’t need to be limited to sugar-filled jam, high salt peanut butter or yeast filled vegemite when looking for a topping to grab and go. There are countless delicious possibilities that can be whipped up, boasting nutritional profiles and flavours that will leave any mainstream supermarket spread on the shelf.

A useful tip for supermarket shopping if you’re interested in supercharging your health: Stay away from the middle aisles of the supermarket as much as possible, where you’ll find foods with lengthy shelf lives. Alternatively, make choices from the outer edges of the supermarket; in the perishable sections. Here you’ll find fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and snap frozen goods. These perishable food items are more likely to have increased living enzymes and nutrients. Their shorter shelf life implies that they won’t contain large amounts of sodium, preservatives and additives that many of the inner section foods contain. Next time you are in the supermarket, take a walk down the middle aisles and check the labels of products, and in most cases you’ll be surprised by what you find.

Many commercial spreads that are so popular and readily available today are found lurking in these inner gangways, and happily reside for months supported by their copious amounts of sodium, preservatives, additives and GMO’s, all additives that are compromising to your health. To be on the safe side, if you’re purchasing items from these inner sections always read labels carefully to see what you are actually paying for. To find out more about what nasties may be lurking in your spreads, or other food items, click here.

Don’t settle for the dead spreads that have been sitting on the shelf for who-knows-how-long. This natural Creamy Avocado and Tahini Spread has no harmful additives and will really pep you up with its creamy texture and a burst of fresh, zingy flavours.  This topping is full of living nutrients and healthy fats to refuel your body and give you energy.

The superstar ingredient is the gorgeous avocado. Avo’s are a must have ingredient for anyone working to achieve optimum health through a wholefoods diet. They’re the butter of the plant world, and incredibly versatile; working wonderfully to create both sweet and savory dishes. Avocadoes are an abundant source of several essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, C, E and K, as well as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and potassium.

One thing you may not know about avocados is that they’re a wonderful food for the female reproductive system, they help to stabilize blood sugar levels, have powerful anti-inflammatory qualities, help prevent certain types of cancer including breast, cervical and prostate cancer, and can lower bad cholesterol levels through their abundance of healthy monounsaturated fats, fibre, and a plant chemical known as beta-sitosterol.

Tahini, a paste made from ground sesame seeds is an ingredient that your insides will thank you for. Playing an important role in Middle Eastern cooking; tahini is commonly combined with eggplants to make baba ganoush, and with chickpeas to make hummus. Many people are afraid of limiting their calcium intake when cutting out dairy products, but you can rest assured that by adding tahini to your diet you’ll be supplying your body with this vital mineral.

Tahini contains all the amino acids, making it a high quality source of protein. It’s rich in lecithin, vitamin E, and has a high alkaline mineral content, making it a powerful ingredient for neutralizing acid in the body which can create an environment for illness to thrive. Tahini has a slightly bitter, nutty taste and is yummy when combined with citrus flavours to make spreads or create a zingy, creamy dressing. For more nutrient packed tahini recipes try this Rainbow Salad with Tahini and Lemon Dressing, and supercharged versions of the Middle Eastern classics; a scrumptious Baba Ganoush and this healthy No Bean Hummus.

For a super speedy, nutrient packed meal, look no further than this Creamy Avocado and Tahini Spread. Just whiz it up, and pop it onto a good bit of gluten free toast, I like to have mine with, Superseeded Bread which you’ll find in my recipe book. And lastly I promise that those conventional dead spreads will be out the window once you feel the health benefits and experience the scrumptious living flavours in this scrummy concoction!

Creamy Avocado and Tahini Spread


  • 1 avocado
  • 2 TBS tahini
  • 1 TBS lemon juice
  • ½ tsp Celtic sea salt
  • 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Freshly cracked black pepper to taste
  • Sunflower, sesame seeds and torn basil to serve.


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
  • Serve on Superseeded bread for the ultimate snack
  • Keeps for 5 days in sealed container in fridge

For more gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar free recipes, a shopping list and meal planner visit supercharged.wpengine.com

Fridge to Go

This is a nifty lunch box keeps food cool for up to 8 hours.  No more messy and bulky ice packs or batteries. It’s great for trips away or the beach

Eco Switch

The EcoSwitch® is designed to reduce a household's and businesses electricity bills by cutting out the standby power of electrical appliances. Not only will households save money, they'll also save the planet!


This all-in-one food processor and cooker chops, beats, mixes, whips, grinds, kneads, minces, grates, juices, blends, heats, stirs, steams and weighs food, as well as cleaning itself when it’s done. ‘The world’s smallest, smartest kitchen!’

Nui Body Butter

Nui body butter is so luxurious on the skin making it feel soft and nourished.  I tried the Island Rose and Rose Hip variety and it smelt gorgeous. Contains coconut oil too!

Apple and Bee Cosmetic Bag

I adore these makeup bags.  They contain natural fibres, organic cotton, bamboo silk, hemp and calico and the designs are so pretty. Gorgeous and practical too.

Weleda Hand Cream

This gorgeous cream adds intense moisture to hard working hands & restores rough and stressed skin to become smooth and supple again. So gorgeous.

Weleda Body Wash

This citrusy body wash smells divine.  It's formulated with gentle cleansing agents derived from fermented coconut and sugar, and contains no drying, synthetic emulsifiers and detergents.  Beautiful!

Weleda Foot Balm

This is instantly cooling and revitalising for tired and aching feet.  Great for use in summer after a day at the beach and in winter for cracked heels.

Weleda Skin Food

This is a whole body cream that you can use anywhere.  Its deeply nourishing and intensely hydrating and restores and protects your skin. I love it!

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