
Introducing a New Synbiotic Powder to Love Your Gut

If you’ve ever read a health blog before, I’m sure you’ve read about probiotics.

And, if you’ve read a few more, you may have heard of prebiotics.

But have you ever heard about a synbiotic?

Synbiotic products are all the rage with nutritionists and naturopaths, and I, for one, absolutely love them.

If you’ve just opened a new tab and typed ‘what on earth is a synbiotic?!’ into Google, I’m going to explain what they are, what they do, why they’re helpful for the gut and where you can get them.

But, before I do that, you must understand how probiotics and prebiotics work. 

Probiotics and Prebiotics

For the unacquainted, probiotics are live microorganisms found in yoghurt, kimchi and sauerkraut, that add healthy microbes to the gut.1 Prebiotics, found in artichokes, asparagus, and chicory root, act as food for the gut’s good bacteria.2 Prebiotics can improve immune function, reduce inflammation and even help weight loss. Prebiotics and probiotics work harmoniously to help the gut microflora survive and thrive. If you want to brush up on your probiotics and prebiotics knowledge before progressing, you may find these blogs here and here helpful. 

Are you all caught up?

Great. Let’s chat through synbiotics.


If you think of probiotics and prebiotics like parents, synbiotics are basically the rounded and grounded child; they’ve taken the good parts of both parents to become a whole human.  

The term synbiotics, a combination of probiotics and prebiotics, was born in 1995, but in 2019, a group of scientists proposed a new definition of synbiotics. 

The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics met to update the definition and application of synbiotics. The new definition of synbiotics is “a mixture comprising live microorganisms and substrates selectively utilised by host microorganisms that confers a health benefit on the host.”

So, scientists no longer believe synbiotics are simply a combination of probiotics and prebiotics but rather a whole new phenomenon on their own.3 

Now that we know what synbiotics are, let's discuss what they do for you.

What Do Synbiotics Do? 

While synbiotic capsules are usually found in the gut health aisle, they target the whole body, including the skin, nervous system and immune system. Synbiotics aid metabolic syndrome, reduce parasites and pathogens, manage irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhoea, atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions.3

There are complementary synbiotics, where both the probiotic and prebiotic work independently to achieve health benefits, and synergistic synbiotics, whereby the probiotic and prebiotic work as a team to confer specific health benefits.  

Where Can you Get Synbiotics?

Synbiotics are easier to find than you may imagine. You’re probably eating them already! However, it’s not always guaranteed that you’ll receive enough synbiotics from food alone. Plus, if you don’t have the suitable digestive enzymes in place, you may not be able to absorb all the goodness from the food you’re eating, meaning you’re not getting enough bang for your synbiotic buck. So, it looks like you may need to work on getting those digestive juices flowing with digestive enzymes.  

What are Digestive Enzymes? 

Digestive enzymes are a naturally occurring part of the digestive system. They help break down food and assist nutrient absorption. Some foods provide digestive enzymes, but sometimes the body needs a bit of help.

If you’re experiencing bloating or flatulence after food, you may not be breaking the food down adequately, which is where digestive enzyme supplementation can come in handy. Consuming digestive enzymes, such as protease, lipase and amylase, help break down carbs, fats, and protein to aid nutrient absorption and digestion and rebalance the microbiome.

Introducing: Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder

Wondering whether the Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder is right for you?

As a qualified nutritionist, I’ve created Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder for those who are ready to repair, restore, and rebalance their gut health from within. It contains over 20 billion bits of love for your bacteria in the shape of a unique synbiotic formulation, with plenty of digestive enzymes and a supercharged blast of antioxidants.

While the Love Your Gut component cleans and tones the gut, the synbiotic complements it by adding nutrients and a good amount of fibre for extra digestive support. Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder is there for all-round gut loving and is a gut health helper.

The workaholic organ

An effective gut environment will work for you 24 hours a day. And love every minute of it!

During mealtimes it will be best placed to process and digest your food and liquids. At other times, a healthy gut will slowly and effectively send much need nutrition throughout our body and help with other influential conversions and jobs that support our body's functions.  These can include energy production, hormone balance, toxin and waste elimination, skin health, mental health, in a nutshell it is the workhorse that is responsible for putting our body into working order.

The Gut’s Side Hustles

Even at rest, a cared for (loved) gut is working overtime at some amazing side hustles. It’s under less strain and pressure so can pursue other goals like feeding the gut/brain connection. This nutritional body system or network is now well-established and gaining more prominence with very new study. A healthy gut means a healthy, active brain environment.

A healthy, toned gut (what I call a ‘loved gut’) is the key to treating and alleviating many health conditions whether they reside in the gut or elsewhere. 

On the other hand, a sluggish gut can lead to direct gut health conditions like bloating, gas, IBD, IBS, SIBO, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, leaky gut and diarrhea. The list goes on and on.

Further, a poor gut environment has an indirect but telling effect on many, if not most, health conditions. Even those not directly linked to the gut. Conditions like these can be supported through nutrition: Crohn’s, celiac, UC, SIBO, candida, GERD, lactose intolerance, diverticulitis, leaky gut (dysbiois), inflammation, mental health, skin health, worms, reflux, gastro, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s. 

Even Covid/Omicron symptoms such as gastro, fatigue and recovery can be greatly assisted by your gut health. This virus can be very debilitating and draining. Your gut and what you put into it is key to your recovery (also consulting your healthcare professional, of course).

How to Take Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder?

Simply add one teaspoon of the delicious tasting powder to your water to support your digestive health and regenerate your gut!  

Show your gut the love it deserves with my new Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder

It has been created with love and care by myself, a Clinical Nutritionist and I have developed it over 18 months in my clinic, using the latest in nutrition science.

You can watch a video about it here 🙂 

Lee xo

1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5031164/

2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3705355/

3  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4648921/

14 Responses to “Introducing a New Synbiotic Powder to Love Your Gut”

  1. […] Introducing a New Synbiotic Powder to Love Your Gut – Supercharged Food is written by Lee for […]

  2. Jessica says:

    What time of the day is it best to take this synbiotic?

    • Lee says:

      Hi Jessica, there is no exact time, some people like to take it in the morning to stimulate digestion, others like to take it at night for the probiotics to work overnight, I think whatever works best for you and your routine will be ok 🙂

  3. Pam says:

    Hi Lee. Can you tell me please, how many days the bottle of powder will last?
    Thanks, Pam

  4. Christina says:

    Hi, I bought the pack with the 3 the humic fluvic drops the symbiotic powder and the other powder pac love your gut powder i have no idea how to use all 3 i went on your website to ask for help but no one knew much about this system and how it works so can you please show me how to use both of the powers and especially the drops ….i have been on ION Biome gut health for 3 years ad would like to try an Australian brand thank you

    • Lee says:

      Hello Christina, No problem at all. To make it easier for you, I would take one tsp of the love your gut powder and 6 drops of the Fulvic humic and one tsp of the Synbiotic powder in water, or juice or a smoothie in the morning. If you want to you can take the synbiotic away from the other products but if you are short on time it’s ok to put them all together. Lee x

  5. Rebecca says:

    Can this be taken while breastfeeding?

  6. Elke says:

    Can this be taken while pregnant?

  7. Willow says:

    What a pity the ingredients aren’t organic

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