
Immune Boosters


Kale is a dark green leafy vegetable which looks similar to spinach and it is also jam-packed full of essential vitamins and minerals.  The other great thing about Kale is that it contains heaps of beneficial fibre.  The Vitamin A and C in kale is fantastic for your skin and actually has been known to slow down premature aging.  Lutein is a nutrient in Kale which is beneficial for the body and also your complexion and it also brightens the whites of the eyes. Making you look healthy and well.  Eating one serving of cooked kale daily provides more than half the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. I like to eat Kale crisped in the oven with sea salt. It is a very nutritious snack for in between meals.



Quinoa is not strictly a grain it is derived from the seed of a plant that is related to spinach.  Pronounced (Keen-Wah) it is a true Super Food which is high in essential protein with few carbohydrates and a dose of healthy fats.  The fact that it is a pure protein means that it contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscle. Quinoa contains an amino acid called lysine, as well vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, potassium, and riboflavin. Quinoa also provides your body with copper, zinc, magnesium, and folate. Eating Quinoa for breakfast is a delicious treat just cook, add Stevia and nut milk and you have a great healthy breakfast.



Tomatoes can be found in beautiful rich red colours to purple and even black and there are so many wonderful varieties available. The colours of tomatoes are due to lycopene, a strong antioxidant which has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer of the prostate and possibly cancer of the colon, bladder and lungs. Lycopene is also reported to protect white blood cells, your body's first line of defence against infection.


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