
Stress Management: 5 Effects of Stress on Your Health


The one thing we all have in common, especially during these times, is more stress than usual.

Stress can be best defined as the mental and the physical response to the experiences in life; it affects us all.

Many things can trigger stress, from the death of a loved one, a health diagnosis to or a global pandemic.

Sometimes stress can prove to be beneficial, as it helps you to cope with difficult situations. However, the worse kind of stress can be ongoing, low level and chronic and can affect your health without you even realising it. This kind of stress can play havoc on your health and can lead to more serious issues. So what are some of these common problems that stress can exacerbate?

Common Effects of Stress on Your Health

Depression and anxiety

Many things can cause depression and anxiety, but one of the main causes is stress. Chronic stress can increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression. Chronic stress can overwhelm you and wear you down resulting in disordered moods, decreased productivity, sleeping issues, and  your relationships with others.  To get help in managing your stress, visit a mental health professional’s website.


Chronic stress can significantly affect your body’s capacity to maintain a healthy weight. According to various researches, the stress hormone, cortisol, can cause weight gain. When your adrenaline glands produce adrenaline and cortisol, glucose is produced as a result. Glucose is intended to give you the energy you will need to get out of that stressful situation.

If someone suspects that they have an imbalance in their cortisol levels, it is important that they speak with a physician to determine the root cause of the issue. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety of factors, including chronic stress, medical conditions, and lifestyle habits. Ignoring symptoms of a hormonal imbalance can lead to further health complications down the road. So, if you are experiencing chronic stress and feel that your hormones may be affected, it is best to consult with a hormone therapy healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

If you find that stress has impacted your hunger levels and your waistline is getting bigger, try to get rid of foods in your diet that might contain high fat and sugar. Exercising can also lower the levels of the hormone cortisol.

Headaches and migraines

Your muscles tend to tighten up whenever you get stressed. They then release again once you are relaxed. However, when you are under constant stress, your muscles fail to relax causing headaches and migraines, shoulder and back pain as well as body aches. All these aches and pains start out an unhealthy lifestyle because you'll find it harder and more difficult to exercise and could turn to over the counter medications for symptomatic relief.

Gut Issues

Stress can cause stomach problems like vomiting and diarrhea. This is usually the result of a surge in hormones that can upset your digestive system. An increase in stomach acid can result in ulceration to the lining of the gut. A good thing to keep in mind is that stress isn’t responsible for causing ulcers, the bacterium H. Pylori is a factor. However, chronic stress can increase your risk and can worsen existing stomach ulcers. Vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea are also a result of stress.


When you're under stress, your liver releases extra glucose to give you an increase in energy. Being under constant or chronic stress keeps your body producing more glucose leading to a glucose surge. This then increases your risk of having Type 2 Diabetes.

Heart problems

The stress hormone can affect your cardiovascular system. When your body responds to stress, it produces a stress hormone. During this time, you inhale faster to quickly distribute blood rich in oxygen to your body. High levels of stress can dramatically increase your heart rate as well as blood pressure, which can lead to more serious health problems like heart attacks and stroke. You might also be at greater risk of stroke and heart attack if you have a history of heart problems.


De-stress today to avoid the above effects and improve your mental and physical health. Additionally, ask for help from your family and friends whenever you need it, take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and keeping up an exercise program. Little reminders like this can go a long way to keeping you and your mental health on track.

Incorporating technology can further help you deal with stress. Utilizing apps like Sensa can provide guided meditation sessions, breathing exercises, and anti-stress techniques to support your mental well-being.

One Response to “Stress Management: 5 Effects of Stress on Your Health”

  1. Be happy and as they say laughter is the best medicine, take away stress 🙂

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